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It's Not Darwin's or Wallace's Theory

THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES WITHOUT DARWIN AND WALLACE By Milton Wainwright bsc, phd. Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, England Copyright, M. Wainwright (2008), all rights reserved ...
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Which came first- KRST or Christ? ? Atheist and Agnostic Society

Jesus took a vacation between ages 12 and 30? Horus is the one who started the 18 year sabbatical. Horus is read as KRST, which actually sounds like a new youth group in Middle America, and Jesus is the Christ. ..... (biologist Soren Lovtrup) There is no avoiding the conclusion that the world looks as if it has been tailored for life; it appears to have been designed. (evolutionist ? Michael Denton) According to this story, every tree, every blade of grass, and every ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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